Welcome to St. Ignatius Catholic Church
Scranton, Arkansas





St. Ignatius Catholic Church celebrated its 100th anniversary on May 5, 2013.  St. Ignatius was originally dedicated on January 12, 1913 and was named in honor of Rt. Reverend Ignatius Conrad, OSB,who was Abbot of Subiaco Abbey at that time.  A larger church was built in 1920.  In 1959, the exterior was covered with rock veneer.  In the early 1970's, the interior of the church underwent changes mainly in keeping with Vatican II renewal.  A major updating of the interior occurred in 1988 for the 75th Diamond Jubilee.  The upstairs organ (built prior to 1940) was restored in 2000 by friends of Fr. Raphael DeSalvo.  The main interior of the church was completely refinished in 2013 in preparation for the Centennial Celebration. 
A parish hall was built in 1940.  Through the years and with further renovations, the parish hall was used as the school cafeteria, for parish functions, and finally as a catechetical center.  A new parish hall was constructed in 1990.  In 1996 a pavilion was built.  In 1999 the hall was extended. 
St. Ignatius was served by Benedictine priests from 1913-2006 and by IMS (Indian Missionary Society) priests since 2007. 
St. Ignatius was served by Benedictine nuns from 1913-1987.

(See Bulletins for times and places of Masses.)






Phone: 479.938.2821
Cell Phone:  479.438.0458
Email: josdhyan@gmail.com






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